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Annual TIC Conference

The Annual Psychological Trauma & Juvenile Justice Conference provides education/training on current research and practice trends by brining national speakers to Iowa. Local and regional initiatives are also highlighted to demonstrate how organizations can implement trauma informed practices throughout the larger system.

TIC Project Related Publications
This policy paper, issued by the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health and the Iowa Association for Infant, addresses the "effects of early childhood education suspension and expulsion on infants, toddlers, and preschoolers". It highlights the inequities on children of color, shares research, highlights best practices and makes recommendations to Early Childhood Education leaders and policy makers.
This article by Ashley McCormick, LMSW, IECMH-E® and Faith Eidson, LMSW, IECMH-E® recognizes that early experiences and relationships shape how the brain is built and future development is formed. The article emphasized the need to provide high quality in-service training, educational opportunities and reflective experiences to support the work force is essential. Endorsement is one way to provide and recognize this level of professionalism.
This February 2021 brief by Julie Sweetland, PhD - Senior Advisor, is intended for professionals who communicate about child wellbeing and adversity; offering guidance to work through framing challenges to educate the public on strategies that work a the community and policy levels. The brief is supported by Prevent Child Abuse America and the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities.
The PDF of the webinar done by Gladys Noll Alvarez LISW, IMH-E ® on March 28,2020.
Gentle Reminders are written by Leah Niezwaag, LCSW, IMH-E® in Boise, Idaho. It list 12 things to remember in times of stress filled situations like the Pandemic of COVID-19 for ourselves, our families and our consumers. At the end is a thought from Betsy Rogers, an infant and early childhood mental health expert from CoAIMH (Colorado Association) regarding the need to reach out and "hold the other in mind".
This article by Gladys Noll Alvarez LISW, IMH-E ®, reprinted from the NASW Child Welfare Fall/Winter 2019 issue, discusses the critical difference in organizations practicing trauma-informed care and implementing trauma-informed services.
The University of Minnesota released the an e-book on the topic of Reflective Supervision/Consultation. This document provides a great overview of what Reflective Supervision/Consultation is, the benefits to participants (as well as employers), and the key components of this reflective practice.
This article by Carmela J. DeCandia, PsyD and Kathleen Guarino is an excellent overview of trauma, violence and the evolution of Trauma-Informed Care in the last twenty years. Areas which the article addresses are: The Evolution of Trauma-Informed Care; Awareness of Violence & Trauma in the lives of children, youth and families; Neurodevelopmental & Economic Impact of Trauma; Ecological View of Trauma & Interventions; Trauma-Informed Care: Current Models & Practices; Tools for Implementing; Key Components of TIC; Challenges in Shifting Models; Discussion on Evaluation of Outcomes and Next Steps.
The feature article in the May IHP newsletter from Orchard by Kerby Hanson LISW with information summarized from 'The Whole Brain Child' by Dr. Daniel Siegel and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson. A useful way to help your child regulate.
The American Academy of Pediatrics published a Clinical Report in 2017 and with new research revised this in 2018. Authors: Michael Yogman, MD, FAAP, Andrew Garner, MD, PhD, FAAP, Jeffrey Hutchinson, MD, FAAP, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, PhD, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, PhD,COMMITTEE ON PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF CHILD AND FAMILY HEALTH, COUNCIL ON COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA, write this excellent resource on the importance of play in social development, brain development, academic development and to mitigate stress. They provide parents and pediatricians with a guideline of how play is essential.
This is a workbook by Lauren Utter, MA, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology, to aid adults in helping children understand deportation. The book contains activities for the children to do. It can be used by parents, mental health professionals, and schools.
Going to the hospital can be traumatic for children and youth. This pediatric toolkit from NCTSN helps hospitals and parents know what to do to ease the stress and traumatic experience.
Meryl Schulman and Christopher Menschner, Center for Health Care Strategies, have written the January brief which gives practical recommendations for health care or other organizations who are interested in becoming an agency practicing trauma informed care.
The Iowa Job Honor Awards, an initiative aimed at recognizing Iowans who have overcome barriers to employment, has announced its top honorees for 2017.
Cathy Beck-Cross, a TIC Project Stakeholder and Associate Professor of Social Work; Social Work Program Director/Department Chair at Grand View University, embeds teaching trauma informed care into the Social Work curriculum and encourages it throughout the University. Now the University has launched the Emergency Grant Program to help students in times of unexpected stressful situations. This program exemplifies practicing trauma informed care.(Source: Grand View University)
This one pager provides some guidance to parents and others on the difference between agencies providing trauma informed interventions and practicing trauma informed care.
This questionnaire was developed by the early childhood service providers, pediatricians, psychologists, and health advocates of Southern Kennebec Healthy Start, Augusta, Maine, in 2006, and updated in February 2013. Two psychologists in the group, Mark Rains and Kate McClinn, came up with the 14 statements with editing suggestions by the other members of the group. The scoring system was modeled after the ACE Study questions. The content of the questions was based on a number of research studies from the literature over the past 40 years including that of Emmy Werner and others. Its purpose is limited to parenting education. It was not developed for research.
The Executive Summary of Iowa Adverse Childhood Experience Data from 2012-2015. To learn more go to www.IowaACEs360.org
This pdf explains the impact that socio-economic status has on women. "SES affects overall human functioning, including development across the life span, physical and mental health." Trauma can impact the physical, psychological and emotional health which may impact socio-economic status.
Changing the Paradigm from What Is Wrong with You To What Happened to You. Many of the individuals who Come Into Your Courtroom have been severely injured as children, and their behaviors, although ineffective are ways to maintain and cope with toxic stress. Following are four essentials of trauma informed care; Connect, Protect, Respect, Teach & Reinforce. This give a few ideas of how to create these essentials in one’s Court Room.
The 5th Judicial Unit of the Department of Corrections has made several changes to improve services and include Trauma Informed practices. Here you will find a PDF of quotes from several staff members sharing their changes. The work the 5th Judicial Unit has done is to be commended! Way to go!!!
On May 21, 2015 Governor Terry E. Branstad signed a proclamation making June Trauma Informed Care Awareness Month. Read the proclamation, tell the story, become aware!
The national Council of Juvenile and Family court Judges have compiled an online guide that outlines what courts need to know about trauma consultations and trauma audits. Trauma informed courts can help the healing process in communities. This is a pdf of that document.
Mealtime, bath time or anytime there a great ways to help build a child's brain. These are activities for 0-5 year olds that can be done at home
"This report, an initiative of the Deputy Attorney General and White House Domestic Policy Council and sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, goes to the heart of the matter by providing detailed policy and procedure recommendations and an in depth look at the potential impact of parental arrests on children, whether they are at home at the time or not." http://www.theiacp.org/ChildrenofArrestedParents
Prepared by SAMHSA's Trauma and Justice Strategic Initiative in July 2014 this publication looks at developing a shared understanding of trauma and trauma informed approach to systemic change.
SAMHSA publications which looks at why women keep cycling through the criminal justice system. The "Sequential Intercept Model" is discussed and how it might be implemented
Journal article written by Niki A. Miller and Lisa M. Najavits from New Hampshire Department of Corrections. the article explores the unique challenges of implementing trauma informed care in correctional settings
Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute 2014 Foster Youth Internship Report. Page 28: Renewing the System's Commitment to Child Well Being: Fostering Resilience through Trauma Informed Training by Amnoni Meyers
Rober Wood Johnson Foundation, Child Trends report July 2014 on a model and recommendations for promoting the mental wellness of the nation's young people. This report calls for shifting the focus of policy and practice from illness, to promotion of wellness and flourishing.
This assessment is adapted from Dr. Fallot's work and the National Homelessness Center project.
NCTSN has put together a short PDF with 10 Key concepts to remember in working with Military Families
Adverse Childhood Experiences in Iowa: A new Way of Understanding Lifelong Health. This pdf is the findings from the 2012 Behavioral Fisk Factor Surveillance System, a report commissioned by the Central Iowa ACEs Steering Committee.
An annotated bibliography of
An article by Barbara Oehlberg LCSW in the journal Trauma and LOss: Research and Interventions V8N2 Fall/Winter 2008
This trauma informed organizational/agency self assessment was adapted by the TIC Project Policy committee from the National Center on Family Homelessness Trauma-Informed Organizational Self-Assessment and
A Strengths-Based Look at Supporting Black Children From the foreword by Barbara Bowman of the Erikson Institute to a closing essay by David Johns, Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African-Americans, Being Black Is Not a Risk Factor: A Strengths-Based Look at the State of the Black Child is designed to challenge the prevailing discourse about black children
Worksheet to calculate the approximate cost of services and potential return on investment (ROI) for organization's to implement EAP program.
An Article in Pediatrics: Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics; November 2013. This article looks at home visiting as an important mechanism in minimizing the long term effects of early childhood adversity by building critical caregiver and community capacities utilizing a public health approach.
Volume 2 -- Creating and Advocating for Trauma-Sensitive Schools -- is a resource guide that covers all the things a school needs to do to become trauma-sensitive.
Helping Traumatized Children Learn, Volume 1, gives background on the impact of trauma on learning, and proposes a policy agenda;
This report from the task force discusses ending the epidemic of violence, identifying children exposed to violence, treatment and healing from violence, creating safe and nurturing homes and the role of the community in solving this issue.
A trauma-informed community has developed in Tarpon Springs, Florida, and is garnering a national following. This is fast becoming a model for other communities! This article describes the many things which are being done in the community to make it trauma informed.
NCTSN BENCH CARD for the trauma-informed judge. Research has conclusively demonstrated that court-involved children and adolescents present with extremely high rates of traumatic stress caused by their adverse life experiences. These two Bench Cards provide judges with useful questions and guidelines to help them make deecisions based on emerging scientific findings in teh traumatic stress field.
Caring for children who have been through traumatic events can be very difficult. This note discusses some of the challenges, impact on development, effects of chronic stress and offers some solutions/interventions to help.
These are the notes pages to be used with the Trauma 101 power point created by the TIC project's training committee. It is our hope that this information will further the education of individuals and help make the state more trauma informed
This resource was commissioned by the Child Safety Commissioner, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia June 2007. Calmer Classrooms is a 36 page guide to working with traumatised children. It is meant "to assist kindergarten, primary and secondary teachers and other school personnel in understanding and working with children and young people whose lives have been affected by trauma".
Children's Justice policy initiatives.
Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D. Maltreatment and the developing child: How Early Childhood Experience Shapes Child and Culture.
This is a basic powerpoint to be used in conjuction with the user's guide to help introduce individuals in a variety of settings on the impact that trauma has on the brain of both children and adults. It is the hope that this will help further the conversation on trauma and help create a more trauma informed state.
TIC Project Related Websites
This article takes an in-depth look at what Trauma Informed Care is and how to not re-victimize clients unintendedly. It provides a framework to utilized called SBAR (Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation).
This website talks about how the virtual world is impacting the social and neurological development of our children. There are ideas of how to roll back this tide
The 2024 Iowa ACEs Report is entitled: Leading with Hope: Report on Health, Well-Being and Childhood Experiences in Iowa. This report goes beyond the traditional ACEs data and focuses on a broader set of childhood experiences and health and well-being indicators.
NCTSN has developed wonderful resources to utilize when looking at how trauma intersects in many different ways. It is important for trauma-informed systems to be culturally aware and responsive to these intersections.
This website looks at a wholistic approach to interventions for people of all ages, cultures and identities experiencing the impact of toxic stress.
NICHQ provides this resource to better support Black mothers, birthing people and families.
Pure Edge, Inc. believes that all educators and learners deserve to be taught strategies that help manage stress and support the development of social, emotional, and academic learning competencies with an open heart and mind. The curriculum that has been developed is a free resource which can be downloaded. They also offer SEL for Adult Learners/staff. The Cultivating a Compassionate School Flourish helps to teach compassion to students; both for others and self.
The National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement has published on their website a very useful article in response to the Israel-Gaza War on talking to children and teens. The article give guidance to parents and caregivers. You can download a pdf of this article at this website.
This website supports systems and communities to develop family-centered early childhood systems to improve the health and well-being in early childhood. It offers resources from prenatal to 3 years.
This post on AddictionsResource.net explains the importance of sleep, both for recovery and mental health. It discusses a variety of substances and the impact on sleep, how to create good sleep hygiene and the emotional and cognitive benefits of adequate sleep.
This Dec. 7, 2021 article from the NASW License Map describes the different types of homelessness and gives some statistics regarding the severity of homelessness in student population. It offers strategies for supporting these youth.
The American Academy of Pediatrics in the January 2020 issue of Pediatrics Volume 145 Issue 1 published this call for action. While new mothers get screened routinely, it is not true for new fathers. This article suggest all parents need to be screened for better outcomes of young children.
This project was started by Indigenous women to promote and provide a network of Alaskan Native birth workers who are confident, competent, and grounded in native birthing families and advocate for systemic change.
The Isaiah 117 house provides physical and emotional support to children awaiting placement in a trauma informed care manner.
A link to Dr. Stephen Porges commentary regarding the premisis of and the current status of the Polyvagal Theory..
Bouncing Back Inc. is a nonprofit organization in Pennsylvania whose mission is to foster resiliency in children whose parents are divorcing. Due to generous donations, they are able to give out FREE books.
This website has podcast, videos & research from leading practitioners in child mental health. Trainings are also available.
This website offers FREE webinars on a variety of topics several times per week. These are recorded for later watching but CE's are only provided for those who are able to watch the live webinars which occur Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays each week from 12-1pm. The calendar of upcoming topics is posted on the website and is up to date for at least the next month.
Promising Futures is a project of Futures without Violence which works towards a world free from violence through Partnering with communities in 3 ways: Designing and Implementing Solutions, Strategies for Healing and Strengthening Families, and Policy Changes to Help Families Thrive
Wordless videos promote curiosity before judgement. These videos ask viewers to wonder and to think critically about themselves, others and the world. They expose the viewer to a variety of cultures. Teachers and parents can use these videos to teach a variety of subjects and to teach kindness.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness’s (NAMI) three-part video series that explores the journey of mental wellness in Hispanic/Latinx communities through dialogue, storytelling and a guided discussion on the mental wellness topics
Trauma is common among veterans whether it is physical, emotional or sexual. Unfortunately, sexual trauma is common for both women and men. This article helps to define what Military Sexual Trauma (MST) is and gives veterans and their families resources.
In this article Stephen W. Porges explains neuroception as the way our body determines whether a person or situation is safe even before we are consciously aware of any threat. He describes Polyvagal Theory and how the brain regulates both social and defensive behaviors. The article was published in the Zero to Three Journal May 2004.
This article by Summer Allen in "Greater Good Magazine", September 26, 2018, looks at how the positive feeling of "Awe" can make us healthier, happier, humble and more connected with people.
Serve and return interactions make things fun and build brain development in young children. Even adults can benefit from serve and return.
This resource from Zero to Three outlines ideas that must be considered in providing infant and early childhood consultation and Early childhood education regarding equity and power dynamics.
This free ebook written by Carolyn Mehlomakulu, LMFT, ATR has different art exercises for professionals to promote self-care and explore their growth. You must 'register' your name and email address to receive the link but are not obligated to continue to receive information. It is worth checking out and using for yourself or with clients.
The SAFE program through U of I Children’s Hospital. It stands for Suicidal Adolescent Family Empowerment . This is a website to help parents and caregivers whose children have thought about suicide and tried to hurt themselves. There are videos and a variety of resources.
This website examines what supports parents need "so every child has a chance to thrive".
To log into this resource go to the IA Children's Justice logo and click. The password is IAparentsToolkit2022. This is a resource for ALL parents and professionals who "are raising children affected by prenatal exposure to substances of abuse and for professionals who provide services to pregnant and parenting women and their children."
This video series on the Zero to Three website describes how everyday interactions between infants/toddlers and caregivers can strengthen the social emotional development and the attachment of young children.
Our nation is in a National Emergency regarding the mental health of our children and youth. This website, with several signature agencies including the Children’s Hospital Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry among others provide several resources and an advocacy toolkit.
Cultural Competency implies there is an end to our journey of understanding a culture while Cultural Humility places the emphasis on a life long journey and commitment to understanding and learning. This Jan 2019 article from the Online Journal on issue in Nursing 24(1) 1-10 does a nice job of exploring these issues.
This 7 minute video done by Michelle Stevenson and Brian Young, posted in the New York Times, are reflections with several Native Americans on what it means to them to be Native and their experiences.
This website examines Racial Health Injustices. It identifies the problem, explains the causes and offers solutions. Dr. Thomas La Veist, from Tulane University, and others have created a docufilm series and examine myths related to health injustice.
This 3 part video series with discussion questions from the University of Minnesota Extension offers wonderful insight and opportunity for small group reflection. The site states "Historical trauma is not just about what happened in the past. It's about what's still happening."
Developed in 2012, these Tenets are a set of ten strategies and tools to strengthen the commitment of individuals, organizations and system to embed diversity, inclusion and equity into their work.
Utilizando datos de la Encuesta del Pulso de los Hogares del Censo de EE. UU., HelpAdvisor.com identificó los estados con las mayores disparidades entre adultos blancos e hispanos en cuanto a necesidades de salud mental no atendidas. Los recursos que aparecen a continuación están diseñados para ayudar a los hispanoamericanos que necesitan servicios de salud mental."
This link provides dozens of Spanish-language governmental (federal and for every state), educational and other external resources about mental health and where to find help. This link is the English link.
This website offers a variety of information on types of trauma, treatment and practices, trauma informed-care and resources (in English and Spanish.
April 15, 2021 On Being podcast with Krista Tippett interviewing Resmaa Menakem, author of "My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies". He talks about how all of us carry the history of trauma in our bodies. The podcast 50 minutes long.
(requires enrollment and login) This online course provides an overview for juvenile justice staff on how to work towards creating a trauma-informed juvenile justice residential setting. This training includes four modules including trauma and delinquency; trauma’s impact on development; coping strategies; and vicarious trauma, organizational stress, and self-care.
Published by GoodTherapy.org, this article is a helpful overview for people considering treatment. Learning about the stages of healing can be distressing, motivating, upsetting, or uplifting. No matter how you feel, your reaction is not wrong. Acknowledging your emotional response to the stages of healing can allow you to harness your emotions’ energy and reach out to a trained therapist.
The Global Collaboration on Traumatic Stress is sharing a chance for your voice to be heard. Researchers are currently investigating the use of a novel online survey methodology assessing childhood trauma history called the Childhood Attachment and Relational Trauma Screen (CARTS) in several different languages and cultures. You are invited to complete the Childhood Attachment and Relational Trauma Screen (CARTS) as a survey about your recollections of the quality of your relationships with your family members during childhood, and of relational traumatic experiences occurring during childhood. CARTS is "an innovative assessment tool designed to measure instances of child abuse as well as warmth, security and support within the family, thus providing a socio-ecological relational perspective."
Created in partnership with the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, and the FBI, this brochure offers parents, caregivers, and family members information about child sexual abuse material (CSAM) exposure. (CSAM is commonly known as child pornography.) This brochure describes CSAM and why it can be traumatic, outlines common ways to deal with initial reactions to CSAM, how to report it, and provides ideas for keeping children safe online.
This infographic created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network offers mental health providers information on understanding cultural responsiveness to racial trauma, why it matters, and what to do. This one-page graphic defines racial trauma and cultural responsiveness, shares the effects of racial trauma and discrimination, and offers insight into how racial trauma originated. It also includes information on what mental health providers can do to understand and acknowledge historical and racial trauma.
Talkspace has a mission to provide more people with convenient access to licensed therapists who can help those in need live a happier and healthier life. This article includes helpful plain-English descriptions of brain responses to trauma triggers, specifically veterans.
This short article was published in 2017 by The Mighty, a safe, supportive community for people facing health challenges and the people who care for them.
The 2020 Iowa ACEs report is now available! Read about the progress that’s been made over a decade to address health impacts of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), Iowa data challenges that still persist, and new opportunities to take action. We are proud to partner with Iowa ACEs 360 to support Iowans in healing and to build systems and communities that enable all children to thrive.
The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society.
Facing History and Ourselves uses lessons of history to challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and hate. Their curricular materials provide valuable links between current events and historical precedents. Useful for anyone interested in causes of intergenerational trauma.
Teaching Tolerance provides free resources (curriculum and professional development) to educators, administrators, counselors and other practitioners who work with children from kindergarten through high school, emphasizing social justice and anti-bias. Excellent resources for anyone interested in mitigating the effects of intergenerational trauma.
ArtForce Iowa shares research linking art and healing from trauma. Includes artist profiles, images and songs by youth artists ages 12-18 who use art and music to cope with ongoing upheaval and instability in their lives.
This resource from NCTSN provides trauma-informed school strategies in response to COVID-19. Assessing physical and emotional well-being of staff, creating a trauma informed learning environment, identifying traumatic stress, partnering with parents in a culturally sensitive manner and many other ideas/activities. Published in 2020
From NCTSN this tool "Provides guidance on responding to disaster, violence, or terrorism events using the Psychological First Aid intervention. This version gives school administrators, educators, and staff practical assistance to meet immediate needs and concerns, reduce distress, and foster adaptive coping in the wake of a disaster. The manual includes in-depth information about each of the eight core actions and accompanying handouts for administrators, school staff, educators, students, and parents and caregivers." Published in 2017
This article, by Harvey Deutschendorf, describes seven habits to prioritize self care at work. The top 3 are 'Be mindful of your stressors, learn to say ‘no,’ and set healthy boundaries'. This is a very good article. Self-care is important in any organization/workplace especially in these very stressful times.
Following the Pandemic Response Series with Ingrid Cockhren in June by Iowa ACEs 360, a learning guide was developed to help continue the learning about trauma and equity and to facilitate conversations in organizations and networks. The guide includes background on key topic areas, access to the webinar recordings, and discussion questions.
Helping Families cope with COVID-19 page is on the Florida State University Center for Child Stress & Health website. It has multiple resources for kids, parents, and professionals.
Chandra Ghosh Ippen wrote this wonderful children's book, activity sheets and parent guide to help families deal with the impact of COVID-19 on their family and community. Funding was through NCTSN. The book and materials are free to download.
This New York Times article Perri Klass, MD is a good reminder that while these are serious times and very disrupted, it is important that the adults "can help shape the way your children experience this and remember it. And you will. You’re the person they need."
Here are some tips from the CDC to help reduce anxiety. Remember that practicing trauma informed care is not to retraumatize both consumers and providers.
Episode 11 with Jen Alexander as the guest. As an experienced teacher, school counselor, and play therapist, Jen Alexander believes that we can make a big difference with kids – one relationship at a time, which is why she is a passionate leader in the movement to build trauma-sensitive schools. Jen loves helping others help kids and has done so in schools, as a volunteer for the Attachment & Trauma Network (ATN), and when facilitating her own trainings for educators. Her new book Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools: Your Guide to Creating Safe, Supportive Learning Environments for All Students is now available.
APSAC and the Vincent J. Fontana Center for Child Protection of the New York Foundling are proud to present the APSAC & Foundling Educational Webinar Series. Join us for in-depth conversations with leading experts in the field of child maltreatment. See the full schedule of free 2020 webinars by clicking on title. For more information or questions about registration, contact the Fontana Center.
This article written by Tracy Skousen for Partners in Leadership, looks at the difference between two words we often use interchangeably but shouldn't. This article looks into ways of obtaining shared responsibility to help with team work and reducing burn out and toxic work environments.
This blog by Jennifer Gunn speaks about the myth around mindfulness for kids, the true purpose of mindfulness in school setting, and overviews the progress being seen in New York City Department of Education.
This blog post brought to you by Concordia University- Portland Room 241 Team discusses what secondary traumatic stress looks like, a short quiz for self assessment, and brief suggestions of what the individual can do about their secondary traumatic stress.
This 10 minute video shares how firefighters in California are struggling with the trauma of fires and PTSD symptoms. It talks about the importance of receiving help and self-care.
This article from the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin discusses where the term 'moral injury' comes from and how it might relate to first responders, especially Police Officers.
The newest topic for Sesame Street in Communities to help children with is Parental Addiction. Elmo talks with his dad about Karli's mom and why she had to go away. This website has links to many other topics and resources to use with kids and their families.
This short article in Experience Life is an excellent reminder of the importance of self-care and how to look at self-care as an individual need that looks different from person to person.
The Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative (TLPI) Trauma-Sensitive Schools Descriptive Study has just been released. "This two-year study by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) provides new evidence that an understanding of trauma sensitivity can lead to changes in practice and new ways of interacting with both students and with fellow staff members. In turn these new ways of thinking and changes in practice can serve as a foundation for school-wide culture change that enables students and their educators to feel safe and supported to learn and be successful."(from the TLPI website)
This info graphic from the National Child Welfare Workforce Institute demonstrates how organizations can take action to promote racial justice. It emphasizes the trauma informed care principles of: Connect, Protect, Respect, and Redirect.
Central Iowa ACEs 360 has worked with Dr. Amy Shriver of Blank Children's Hospital on the Pediatric Project, which began in 2016, to develop an online Trauma-Informed Pediatric Guide. This guide has information on education, assessment, resource & referral and climate & setting. It is an excellent resource.
The Spanish edition of webinar by Chandra Ghosh Ippen."Un seminar web gratuito sobre estrés y trauma. Los animalitos del libro "Una Vez Tuve Mucho Mucho Miedo" están aquí para compartir su historia y ayudar a otros a aprender sobre el estrés y el trauma. A través de la historia y la metáfora, este seminario web comparte reacciones comunes al estrés y comienza a hablar sobre formas en que podemos apoyar a niños y a familias quienes han experimentado trauma."
Chandra Ghosh Ippen wrote this webinar on the book stating this, "A free webinar about stress and trauma. The animals from the book "Once I Was Very Very Scared" are here to share their story and help others learn about stress and trauma. Through story and metaphor this webinar shares common reactions to stress and begins to talk about ways we can support healing and recovery."
Gladys Noll Alvarez LISW, Trauma Informed Care Project Coordinator for Orchard Place, provides a webinar for the Iowa Association of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Association on Child Parent Psychology. This is the archived recording of that presentation.
The Social Research Institute (SRI) has been working with Utah’s Department of Workforce Services (DWS)interviewing the DWS customers about their experiences, needs and attitudes. In 2012 they added the ACE questionnaire to the interview. They discovered that 45.8% of DWS costumers had an ACE does of 5 or higher. Utah's general population was 10%. This prompted a state wide response.
PBS will be airing a documentary series on ACE's. If you do not have this station at home, each episode is available to watch online after it has aired (https://www.tpt.org/whole-people/). The Documentary Series Whole People airs Sunday nights on TPT MN at 7 p.m. (CST) beginning January 13 running through February 10, 2019. The documentary series is the result of a three-year partnership between CentraCare and TPT MN. Watch the Documentaries Episode #1 (January 13th) Episode #2 (January 20th) Episode #3 (January 27th) Episode #4 (February 3rd) Episode #5 (February 10th)
The Buncombe ACE Learning Collaborative has gathered several tools and short videos demonstrating how to build resilience. These are excellent resources and the website is a good resource.
"This Working Paper from the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child explains the science behind motivation–the “wanting” system and the “liking” system–as well as how those systems develop, and how that development can be disrupted. It also dives into the implications of the science for parents, caregivers, and teachers, as well as policy and public systems." Developing Child
Center for Health Care Strategies, CHCS, developed with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the resource center to provide a one-stop information hub for health care organizations interested in implementing a trauma-informed approach to care.
This website explains what EMDR therapy is and how it can be used to treat addictions.
The Traumatic Stress Institute (TSI) of Klingberg Family Centers promotes excellence in trauma-informed services both within Klingberg and to organizations nationally and internationally who treat clients with histories of psychological trauma and attachment disruptions.
Science Daily, June 6, 2018, reports that "in one of the first studies to examine the effect of both socioeconomic status and neighborhoods on children's health, researchers found that living in higher opportunity neighborhoods may protect children from some of the negative health impacts associated with growing up poor"
Reny Fuentas of Sonoma County Aces Connection community, explains how the study "Stress-related hormone cortisol lowers significantly after just 45 minutes of art creation" applies their work and how the Nurse Practitioner Program uses art to soothe nervous systems from past traumas.
This study published in Art Therapy Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 33:2 looks at the impact of visual art making on the cortisol levels of 39 healthy adults.
"Research and best practices are showing promise in trauma assessments and multi-generational supports in the pediatric and family practice health care. This project seeks to develop a health sector strategy in the pediatric and family practice field for clinic-based trauma-informed practices."( from the introduction to the Pediatric Guide)
Jane Morrow, ED of Smart Start of New Hanover County, and Julie Ozier, Clinical Services & Forensic Interview Supervisor of Carousel Center discuss the impact of ACEs and some interventions their community is doing to build resilience. The interview is 50 minutes long.
In the late afternoon on Feb. 26, the House of Representatives unanimously passed H. Res. 443, a resolution recognizing the importance and effectiveness of trauma-informed care and calling for a national trauma awareness month and trauma-informed awareness day.
In this blog post on ACEs Connection, Dr. Jim Walters and educator in the St. Louis area offers his 3 step process on incorporating trauma informed care into school-wide practices which are already in place.
An article in Curbed discuses a nationwide effort funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that kicked off this past fall, Raising Places is giving six different communities $60,000 each, to help develop programs that support healthy childhoods. This illustrates all four elements of Trauma Informed Care on a systems level: Connect (Relationships), Protect (Safety & Trustworthiness), Respect (Choice & Collaboration), and Redirect (Skill Building & Competence).
Webinar series developed by NCTSN to help clinicians, counselors and other helpers to deal with the complex problems that traumatized children and families encounter. The therapist are real, the families are actors in these segments.
The consequences of adversity can last a lifetime -- but they don’t have to. Children and communities can heal if the right supports are in place -- at home, in the community, at school, and in the doctor’s office. This company's goal is to support leading thinkers across clinical and community settings to design, test and scale the most effective ways to address childhood trauma.
"Treating employees respectfully helped Campbell Soup recover from a low point in 2001, write Doug Conant, former Campbell CEO, and Christine Porath. By publicly valuing employees under the principle of civility and setting clear relationship expectations, the company started regaining employees' trust." This is another example of a for profit business applying the TIC Principles without calling it TIC.
Building a strong corporate reputation can mean reduced turnover and increased valuation and revenue, writes Denise Lee Yohn. She defines reputation as "the collective assessments of a corporation's past actions and the ability of the company to deliver future results." While the article doesn't say trauma informed care, the principles of TIC (Connect, Protect, Respect, Teach/Reinforce)are being applied to a for profit businesses.
Sen. Dave Marsden of Virginia writes about the difficulties of changing a system but also the rewards of that change by using Restorative Justice. He says "Restorative justice used in this way brings county agencies, nonprofits and families together in responding to unacceptable criminal behavior in ways that improve a child’s opportunity for a better life outcome. Diversion gets services to kids quickly and sends a positive message to the child that he is not inherently bad but has made a mistake that can be rectified in ways that meet the goals of public safety, education and rehabilitation."
Sesame Street has developed videos and resources for providers and caregivers to use with children who are experiencing "big feelings", reminding us that we are not alone.
Sally Abrahms article on the Nextavenue website describes the importance of grandparents and other relatives in caring for children who have been exposed to trauma.
An article in the Huffington Post reports on research out of Germany suggest that the production of visual art helps the functionality of the brain and may increase the psychological resilience.
Brown Bag Webinar Series: Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities is pleased to announce a series of webinars featuring our 11 national advisors. In each of these short 45-minute sessions, one of our advisors will share some of their expertise and engage in dialogue with you on key strategies for creating just, healthy and resilient communities.
This article from the Denver Post describes a new approach to the chronically homeless in Denver, Colorado. This trauma informed designed apartment building will soon house individuals who have lived on the streets for years. It is bright, has a safe courtyard and nothing that looks like a "dark alley or shadowy stairwell."
A Guide to Workplace Bullying (from UK) which provides very helpful advice and information for people who may have experienced or continue to experience bullying or discrimination at work.
This toolkit is from the Center for Disability Services a member of the group “Healthy Environments And Relationships That Support” (HEARTS) Initiative, of New York State’s Greater Capital Region. "Research has shown that people with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) are at significantly more risk of abuse and neglect than is the general population. Chapter 1 offers information and a guide for direct support professionals to enhance their wellness and resiliency. Chapter 2 provides background information as to the problem of ACEs and the evidence that the problem is magnified further in the field of IDD. Chapter 3 provides guidance for trauma informed behavioral planning. Chapter 4 is geared at offering direction for planning for agency administrators, quality assurance staff, and interested others."
This ACEs connection blog references Anthony Breznican's tribute to Mr. Rogers on PBS News Friday May 26th. Remember to look for the helpers in troubling times, build community.
NCTSN has provided an excellent resource to discuss complex trauma, provide activities and additional resources.
"When child welfare systems infuse trauma-informed care into everything they do, kids experience fewer placements and fare better in foster care, according to new Casey-funded research." Annie E. Casey Foundation 4-20-17.
The Attachment Trauma Center Institute, LLC (ATCI) provides quality resources, training, and consultation in the field of trauma and attachment. Based in Omaha, Nebraska, Debra Wesselmann, MS, LIMHP, Cathy Schweitzer, MS, LIMHP and Stefanie Armstrong, MS, LIMHP are co-founders of The Attachment and Trauma Center of Nebraska and the ATCI. They are national and international presenters and are certified EMDR consultants. They have developed an EMDR and family therapy integrative model for effective treatment of attachment trauma in children and have co-authored a clinician treatment manual and accompanying parent guide for raising traumatized children.
The Spring IMPACT reviews where it all started and the collaborative efforts to succeed in providing trauma informed resources to individuals.
The alternative high school in Des Moines is using grant money to become a safer place for students who are experiencing trauma at home. The money will help make staff more aware of how troubles outside the class are linked to behavior inside. Click on the title to read more.
What does resiliency really mean? This site goes into the many aspects of resiliency and how it can be put into practice.
This guide from the Children's Safety Network divides selected resources into seven main sections: (1) Organizations, (2) Policy and Legislation, (3) Evidence-Based Practices, (4) Program Planning, (5) Campaigns, (6) Data and Research, and (7) Resources and Publications.
A publication from NCTSN on the following topics: How foster parents enhance data on the impact of trauma on children and adolescents, what trauma patterns are emerging from data, update on Chaddock's CDS efforts, data on refugee experience, and site pilots of CIMI.
This site helps parents become trauma informed so that they can better help their children heal.
This blog talks about how a school psychologist, Dr. Allen Mendler uses 2 x 10 method to connect with students. "Take 2 minutes a day for 10 consecutive days to engage a student in a personal conversation".
The Trauma-Informed Organizational Toolkit, a product from AIR’s National Center on Family Homelessness, gives programs a roadmap for becoming trauma-informed. The toolkit offers concrete guidelines so that organizations can assess if they are responding appropriately to the needs of families who have experienced traumatic stress
The mental health of infant and children is an important area. This website has many resources available to promote the growth and development of children/families and the professionals who work with them
Governor Rauner has signed the bill on January 20 which goes into effect June 1 of this year. This law will require the Department of Public Health to develop regulations to include age-appropriate social and emotional screenings along with the other health exams such as dental and eye to all school age children in the state.
This article and pod cast pair tell the story about how one school changed the way they did things to help kids engage in studies by becoming a Trauma Informed School.
Lifelong health is determined by more than just our genes: experiences at sensitive periods of development change the brain in ways that increase or decrease risk for later physical and mental illness, including addiction. That finding is the premise of the Brain Story, which puts scientific concepts into a narrative that is salient to both expert and non-expert audiences. The Brain Story synthesizes decades of research and reflects a body of knowledge that experts agree is useful for policy makers and citizens to understand. The Alberta Family Wellness Initiative has developed two online courses to make Brain Story science available to professionals and the public. One course is available now. The second, more basic course will be available in 2017. This course is 30 hours of instructional time from 30 leading experts in neurobiology and mental health. It is absolutely FREE to participants!
This link will connect to the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors webpage which is housing the webinar series from NCTIC. SAMHSA’s National Center for Trauma-Informed Care (NCTIC) hosted a series of three 75-minute webinars in September 2014 that introduced key concepts in NCTIC’s day-long Trauma-Informed Peer Support (TIPS) training:"Trauma and its impact/ Cultural Considerations", "Peer support basics /Trauma-informed practices, and "Applying Trauma-Informed Practices to Peer Support". The primary audience are people who provide peer support - including people working as peer specialists or in similar roles, people involved in independent peer support groups, and people working in or receiving services from peer-run programs. The series is also of interest to administrators, clinicians, and supervisors in organizations that employ peer specialists and people in similar roles, or those interested in incorporating trauma-informed peer support into their programs
This article from Social Justice Solutions written by Anndee Hochman, shows how different business leaders have connected ACEs to their business success and what they have done to help build resiliency in their employees.
This quick read article by Karen Zgoda, Pat Shelly, and Shelley Hitzel dives into how macro level Social Work policy can help protect service recipients and service providers at the same time.
Vroom was developed by a group of dedicated scientists, community leaders and trusted brands, with input from community organizations and families like yours. Together, we're providing parents and caregivers with ways to boost early learning. Vroom turns shared moments into brain building moments. Whether it’s mealtime, bathtime, or anytime in between, there are always ways to nurture our children's growing minds.
The Central Iowa ACEs 360 Coalition has released a new report examining three years of Iowa data on childhood trauma and the link to poor adult health, mental health and health-risk behaviors. This new report provides a broader picture of how ACEs impact Iowa adults across the state, reveals how ACEs is likely impacting Iowa youth at similar rates, and showcases emerging response strategies in Iowa communities.
In April, the World Health Organization released a groundbreaking study that established a definitive link between mental health and economic productivity. The findings were both depressing and hopeful. On the downside, depression and anxiety disorders cost the world nearly U.S. $1 trillion annually . On the upside, every dollar invested in treating those disorders leads to a return of $4 in terms of the ability to work and thus contribute to the economy.
From NCTSN: "It is a priority to strengthen the professional systems to support LGBTQ youth after sexual assault and other traumas that these youth commonly experience. This 13-minute video features five LGBTQ youth who discuss details of their own trauma experiences related to their respective LGBTQ identities, how they gained resilience, and how professionals helped them in this regard"
This article is found in the Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 4:1, 34-51. The abstract states, "The Attachment, Self Regulation, and Competency (ARC) Framework is a theoretically grounded, evidence-informed, promising practice used to treat complex trauma in children and adolescents. This article introduces the ARC model and describes its application with young children of diverse ethnocultural backgrounds involved in the child protection system due to maltreatment. Examination of the clinical application of the ARC model with this population underscores the importance of grounding child complex trauma treatment in the caregiving system. Strategies for successful clinical intervention are identified, with attention devoted to cultural and systemic resources to advance the treatment process. This article presents preliminary evidence of the effectiveness of the ARC model derived from program evaluation conducted at a community-based clinic."
An article/blog on ACEs Connection which starts with a quote from Viktor Frabkl written by Vic Compher. It describes the need for agencies to provide a space for employees to take care of themselves and gives examples of how some agencies are doing this.
Beyond ACEs: Building Hope & Resiliency in Iowa is the Executive Summary of the current ACEs data gathered in Iowa during 2012-2014. funding was provided by Mid Iowa Health Foundation and United Way of Central Iowa.
: Young children face new challenges at every age and stage—that's why it's so important to help them build the skills they need to become resilient. With self-confidence and the ability to express themselves, little ones will be able to handle whatever may come their way…and will just keep getting stronger.
This link will take you to the NCTSN's refugee trauma web page. There are resources on what trauma core stressors are; resources for assessment and mental health issues, and guidance materials for various disciplines like schools, mental health, and primary care. If you are working with refugees this site will be beneficial for you to explore.
Child Welfare Information Gateway has recently released an issue brief, Developing a Trauma-Informed Child Welfare System, "that summaries the effects of trauma on children and discusses some of the primary areas of consideration in that process, including workforce development, screening and assessment, data systems, evidence-based and evidence informed treatments, and funding."
The University of Buffalo School of Social Work has a wonderful resource for their students and community. It gives helpful ways to look at self care, has assessments, techniques and other resources.
This short article on the Attachment Network Inc. website helps parents think about what to tell teachers about their kids in order to help create a trauma sensitive school.
Richard G. Dudley, Jr., MD summarizes" the current understanding of the effects of ongoing trauma on young children, how these effects impair adolescent and young adult functioning, and the possible implications of this for policing." This is the first in a series of papers.
This article talks about studies have linked empathy with greater client satisfaction, better outcomes, reduced physician burn out and fewer malpractice claims.
This article discusses alternatives used in California schools as alternatives to suspensions which are positively increasing student behavior and academic performances.
This 15 minute Ted Talk explains that childhood trauma isn’t something you just get over as you grow up. Pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris explains that the repeated stress of abuse, neglect and parents struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues has real, tangible effects on the development of the brain. This unfolds across a lifetime, to the point where those who’ve experienced high levels of trauma are at triple the risk for heart disease and lung cancer.
This article in Science Digest discusses the results of a study from the December issue of the journal Health Affairs. It states "nearly half of all children in the United States are exposed to at least one social or family experience that can lead to traumatic stress and impact their healthy development.
A new study surveyed pediatric trauma nurses, revealing that they are knowledgeable about practicing trauma-informed care, but need additional training to help families cope after a child's injury. This link is to Science Digest with a review of the study.
Check out this organization in Tennessee and all of the great work they are doing with Trauma Informed Care. You can download free resources and they include contact information for further training opportunities.
This article describes how quiet time in middle and high schools in the San Francisco area has calmed the student body, reduced suspensions and increased attendance. Quiet time, mediation or mindfulness is a trauma informed intervention/practice which can be used successfully in the school system
This blog on ACES Connection describes US Sen. Heitkamp's experience after leaving a briefing on childhood trauma in Indian country. The blog describes important steps in the Indian school district and other programs to deal with and reduce trauma.
This link takes you to Science Daily website on the study published in the December issue of the journal Health Affairs.
This link to the Center on the Developing Child "is a multi-part series of journalistic articles planned and commissioned by the Center, examines how policymakers, researchers, and practitioners in the field are re-thinking services for children and families based on the science of early childhood development and an understanding of the consequences of adverse early experiences and toxic stress".
The National Technical Assistance Center for Children’s Mental Health at Georgetown University and the JBS International, including NCTSN members, have created a comprehensive web-based, video-enhanced resource tool: Trauma Informed Care: Perspectives and Resources. This tool—comprised of issue briefs, video interviews, and resource lists—offers guidance and resources to help child-serving systems and provider organizations become more trauma in-formed.
RSAT Training Tool: Trauma Informed Approaches in Correctional Settings. To increase the knowledge across disciplines of the relationship between substance abuse and trauma in jails, prisons, and aftercare settings. Nikki Miller, M.S 2011
The Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative’s (TLPI) mission is to ensure that children traumatized by exposure to family violence and other adverse childhood experiences succeed in school. This website is designed to help schools become trauma sensitive and to give resources to schools in this endeavor.
Brené Brown studies human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. A talk to share.
The NCTSN Military and Veteran Families Program proudly announces the recently updated Military and Veteran Families and Children webpage. On this website, you can access products and resources
"There's no Such Thing as a Bad Kid in these Spokane, WA elementary schools". An article on the ACES TOO HIGH website on how Spokane, WA has changed its discipline policy to deal with the impact of trauma on student's lives.
An interactive website for health care providers to obtain information on how to become a trauma informed pediatrician. It provides tools, case illustrations and answers to questions.
New Webpages for Parents and Caregivers! Parents and caregivers can play an important role in helping children and teenagers recover from traumatic events. The NCTSN is pleased to launch the redesign of our
ACES Too High news lifts up the findings in the Institute of Medicine report New Directions In Child Abuse and Neglect Research and how the Stil Face Experiement is still making an impact. This link has a copy of the still face experiment video which is 2 minutes long.
The Central Iowa ACEs Steering Committee's website with what is happening in Iowa around the ACE study.
This link will take school personnel and educators to a variety of resources designed specificaly for use in schools regarding trauma and trauma informed care.
In Vallejo, CA, schools
Strengthening Families is a framework developed by the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) to prevent child abuse and neglect by building five protective factors.
Article about "Almost half the nation’s children have experienced at least one or more types of serious childhood trauma, according to a new survey on adverse childhood experiences by the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH)."
The Attorney General's national Task Force Report on Children Exposed to Violence.
Stress balls can be a very useful tool for staff and consumers to relieve some tension. Making a stress ball can help focus attention and help with a sense of accomplishment. These are simple instructions on how to make a stress ball. There is a video at the end with another method.
The Juvenile Justice Resource Hub is a new comprehensive source of information on cutting-edge juvenile justice issues and reform trends. The content of this website is being developed in phases, so place the link in favorites and check back regularly for new material. It was created in partnership between the National Juvenile Justice Network, MacArthur Foundation, and Juvenile Justice Information Exchange.
Website Link to Ace Study.
National Child Traumatic Stress Network.
Website with Bruce Perry Articles through Scholastic.
Child Trauma Academy (Dr. Bruce Perry).
Tools to help with secondary stress.
A self administered test for individuals to assess their compassion fatigue.
A descriptive link about the adverse Childhood Experience Study.
TIC Project Related Videos
This 31 minute you tube from Wisconsin Chippewa Valley and partly funded by the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment at the Medical College of Wisconsin does an excellent job of explaining the impact of ACEs. We hear from adults who have experienced ACEs and how it impacts their adult lives.
This 9-minute video is an introduction on how trauma can affect the nervous system.
This amazing TED talk by novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the danger of hearing or reading only a single story of any culture. She describes her own experiences of single stories and misunderstandings.
In this TED talk, Kimberle W. Crenshaw JD explains the importance of race and gender bias. She examines the damage done when they combine, or intersect, and create more harm.
(requires enrollment and login) This two-part video series describes materials developed by Sesame Street in Communities (SSIC) and how those resources can be integrated into evidence-based care. This course brings together SSIC videos with commentary from Judy Cohen, MD, and Arturo Zinny, LPC, and links to SSIC resources for mental health providers to integrate into their own evidence-based treatment sessions.
Traumatic Stress & Self Care. We explore the delicate landscape of trauma with one of Iowa's foremost authorities on Trauma, Self Care, and Trauma Informed Care, Gladys Alvarez, and she has something important to share!
Published on Apr 6, 2020 on YouTube: "Dr. Robert Anda, Co-Principal Investigator and designer of the ACE Study, explains strengths and limitations of the ACE Score. He explains why the growing popular movement to use the ACE Score for screening patients, assigning risk, and making clinical decisions for individual patients is a misapplication of the ACE Study findings. See also: https://www.ajpmonline.org/article/S0...https://www.aceinterface.com/"
Michelle Esrick's 16 minute TED Talk on the making of her film "Cracked Up". A documentary featuring Darrell Hammond from Saturday Night Live. It tells of his life journey witnessing and experiencing many Childhood Adverse Experiences (ACEs). She sheds light on how our childhood experiences impacts our lives. Quoting Dr. Bessel van der Kolk stating that trauma is "when your reality is not seen or known, that is the trauma!".
On March 28, 2020 Gladys Noll Alvarez LISW, IMH-E ®, Trauma Informed Care Project Coordinator, provided a webinar for the Iowa Conference United Methodist Church Good Ideas webinar series on "What Parents Should Say About COVID-19". The webinar is 45 minutes including Q&A and does begin and end in prayer as it is for a religious organization. The focus is not on the science of COVID-19 but how to attune to ourselves and the child's developmental needs during this time of crisis.
Let us remember in these trying times of a pandamic that there will always be helpers. Watch Mr. Rogers profound wisdom!
"The famous "Still Face" experiment developed by Dr. Ed Tronick, director of UMass Boston's Infant-Parent Mental Health Program, clearly shows how profoundly babies read and react to their social surroundings. Prolonged lack of attention can move a baby from good socialization to bad. For the first time ever, Project ABC and The Children's Institute Inc., of Los Angeles, replicated and filmed the experiment with fathers (rather than mothers) and their babies. Dr. Richard Cohen, director of Project ABC at the Children's Institute, offers an insightful explanation of what's going on, and why babies need positive interaction." (explanation taken from the youtube site narrative)
The Injury Prevention Resource Center joined with School Nurses to develop the Link for Schools program. It is designed to help lower stress for students who experienced a traumatic event and to give schools tools to help students through emotional recovery process. This video explains the program.
This is a 3 minute animated video of what trauma informed care looks like in a health care facility. It goes over 5 things to do to get started practicing trauma informed care. it is from the Center for Health Care Strategies.
This four-minute video, from the Center for Health Care Initiatives, provides a compelling snapshot of the value of trauma-informed care from both provider and patient perspectives. Those featured participated in Advancing Trauma-Informed Care, a national initiative made possible through support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
An 8 minute video shows this Nashville schools proactive approach to meet the needs of their students. "A strong focus on relationships, social and emotional learning, and understanding students’ mental health informs how Fall-Hamilton’s staff interacts with students."
This short video talks about the book "Sparrow", which is a book for young children whose parents come home from deployment injured in some way. There are both Mama and Papa versions of the book. The article connected with the video on the Zero to Three website does a nice job of explaining how to use this book and its content.
On March 11, 2018 the news show 60 Minutes aired a segment on Trauma Informed Care featuring Dr. Bruce Perry and the St. A's program in Wisconsin. It is very informative and may help individuals understand the importance of knowing the impact of trauma on individuals.
Dr. Lara Boyd explains in this 14 minute TED talk on Nov. 14, 2015 how the brain works and how neuroplasticity shapes the brain, how learning happens and what we can do since the primary driver is behavior. She discusses stroke victims but this can be applied to everyone's brain.
A 4 1/2 minute video showing the importance of resilience:Published on Dec 4, 2017"The Resilience Effect is our philanthropic initiative to take on childhood adversity in the Bay Area and build lifelong health. Together with our partners, we hope to design, test and scale the most effective ways to address childhood adversity and strengthen resilience — so that all children can have healthy and vibrant futures. Thank you to everyone involved in making this video, including: Dr. Nadine Burke Harris; Dr. Ken Epstein; Monica Ferrey; Amare Ferrey McDougal; Jen Leland; Dr. Dayna; Long Center for Youth; Wellness Trauma Transformed/East Bay Agency for Children; Healthy Generations Project; San Francisco Department of Public Health; UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland; Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital"
"Star C is an education model with a housing solution" from www.star-c.org. This is part of Tri-Star Community Impact Fund LP.
Remembering Trauma is a 16-minute film highlighting the life of a traumatized youth from his early childhood into older adolescence. The film illustrates the impact of complex trauma and the potential for misdiagnosis across various service systems. This film was developed by the Center for Child Trauma Assessment, Services, and Interventions (CCTASI) in collaboration with partners from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) and creator of the ReMoved film series, Nathanael Matanick. DISCLAIMER: This film is inspired by a true story. This story shows the various ways that trauma can impact youth. It contains adult language and includes scenes with family violence and sexual assault, which may be upsetting to watch. It is strongly recommended that you view this film in the presence of a trusted adult that can offer support as needed.
Part 2: Stuck in the abyss of the foster care system, Zoe's life finally begins to move forward until unexpectedly what she holds dearest is taken away from her yet again and she is left to pick up the pieces of her tender heart.
ZERO TO THREE has teamed up with YouTube star La Guardia Cross to create “Daddy Matters,” a 4-part web series that explores why dads matter and what matters to dads.
A short 4 minutes video set to music which explains the concept of Trauma Informed Care and the importance of understanding the impact of trauma. We all can make a difference.
Little Children, Big Challenges is a resource to help kids talk about their feelings of having a parent who is incarcerated. This video and other resources are helpful for parents and others talk to children about their feelings.
Samuel Simmons in this 53 minute video discusses Historical/Intergenerational Trauma and the African American Community.
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris talking about adverse childhood experiences and toxic stress at the 2015 ACEs Summit.
A historical video explaining the link of generational trauma from the slavery in the past to the mass incarceration of today.
Science made simple! Remember these 5 steps to help build your child's brain. The five Brain Building Basics are the foundations for all Vroom Tips. Best of all, parents already have all they need to take these basics and create brain building moments!
This webinar focuses on Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) in juvenile correctional facilities. Christopher Branson PhD presented this webinar for the Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators (CJCA). The webinar is 90 minutes in length
This short video explains the principles and concepts behind Trust-Based Relational Intervention®, a proven method for enriching the lives of at-risk, vulnerable children, adolescents, and their families. Trauma can impair language, sensory processing, and coping skills, and can lead to perplexing behaviors that are often mistaken for aggression or mental illness. This video features world-renowned experts who share research that documents how consistently positive experiences with loving caregivers can re-wire a child’s brain for lasting change. DVD Copies of this video are available for purchase at www.child.tcu.edu
Four representatives from a local high school joined us for our annual TIC conference this year. They highlighted their programming at the high school regarding Trauma Informed Care and ACEs. Great work, SCAVO! Keep it up, you certainly are a champion!
Throughout America, many public and private organizations help people obtain meaningful employment by providing technical and life skills training. Their clients frequently have significant barriers to employment, including criminal histories, physical or intellectual disabilities, and a lack of marketable skills. These workforce development agencies provide an opportunity to break the cycle of low-paying jobs and welfare reliance. It’s important to spread the word about these organizations so people know where to go for help. America's Job Honor Awards illuminates the path out of poverty by sharing success stories. America Job Honor Awards thinks it is time to celebrate a new kind of HERO! Kyle Horn is the Founder & Director of the Iowa Job Honor Awards. This video tells about one story of Edward Roberson from Iowa.
During this 13 minute Ted X, Dr. Vicky Kelly gives a great oversight of Trauma Informed Care. She shares why childhood trauma is a public health crisis and what we can do about it. She even covers the ever so important ACEs questionnaire.
Look at what one of our local high schools is doing! SCAVO High School is a leader in Iowa for developing a school that addresses the needs of its students in new and innovative ways. Representatives from SCAVO will be at the Annual TIC conference to talk about where they were, what they did, where they are now, and future dreams. Your school can be as cool-come check them out!
Lana Herteen LMHC, Community Child Advocate from Blank Children's Hospital, speaks about advocacy and trauma. She was a keynote presenter and panel member during the Iowa Conference UMW/United Methodist Advocacy Day, September 27, 2015. She talks about what trauma is and the impact it can have on individuals, families and our communities. She points out the Connections Matter!!
Published on Mar 28, 2013: 6 minute video of Theda New Breast M.P.H. Looks at the effects of historical trauma..."25 years of Sobriety and this is my story of how Trauma can effect our families". Go to www.nativewellness.com for more information.
This video from CBS News demonstrates the 4 Essential elements of TIC: Connect (relationships); Protect (Safety & Trustworthiness); Respect (Choice & Collaboration) and Redirect (Encourage skill building & competence). We can all give hope, build trust, collaborate and encourage in our communities as we practice trauma informed care!
Albert Family Wellness brings us this short video about brain development. Anyone working with children and in communities should watch this video to see (in animated form) how brains develop and how important relationships are. Please scroll down and click, "Watch Video" on the right side. Video can also be found on You-Tube.
Rita Pierson, a teacher for over 30 years, speaks about the importance of relationships and connections with kids.
Rita Pierson, a teacher for over 30 years, speaks about the importance of relationships and connections with kids.
A first grade teacher talks about creating a "safe zone" in her classroom to help students when they are angry or frustrated. It is a place they can go to without asking to get regulated.
A 25 minute video from the CT Department of Mental Health and Addictions Services of 3 men who discuss how trauma has impacted their lives. The traumas addressed are sexual abuse, family violence, military combat and emotional abuse. Various cultural and gender issues are also addressed regarding treatment and assessment
Another video talking about the benefits of Head Start Trauma Smart. Avis Smith will be joining us this June (2015)at our annual conference!
Part 4 of a 5 part series. In this podcast, Stefan Molyneux talks about the rational of resistance to change. Stefan gives us the evidence to keeping the status quo instead of changing our futures, related to child abuse.
Dr. Stuart Ablon (coming to the 2015 Conference!)uses this Ted Talk to discuss challenging children and how to change our approaches to dealing with their behaviors. Get ready to see more of this at the Psychological Trauma and Juvenile Justice Conference in June 2015.
Ann Jennings PhD shares her daughter Anna's trauma story and the important of trauma informed care in this moving 6 minute video.
Part 3 of a 5 part series. In this podcast, Stefan Molyneux talks about the biology of the brain. He speaks about violence and child abuse and how the brain develops from this. He also touches on the biology of how children turn violent.
Selective attention test
Part 2 of 5: This second video by Stefan Molyneux is a beginning understanding of the after affects of child abuse. Stefan walks us through ACE scores (Adverse Childhood Experiences)and why they are important in understanding our world. * This section is an interview with Dr. Vincent Felitti
Part 1 of 5: This first video by Stefan Molyneux is a beginning understanding of the after affects of child abuse. Stefan walks us through ACE scores (Adverse Childhood Experiences)and why they are important in understanding our world.
In 2008 Crittenton Children’s Center, a psychiatrist hospital in Kansas City, developed Head Start Trauma Smart, an innovative program that evidence-based trauma therapy into Head Start classrooms.
This video is part one of a three-part series titled "Three Core Concepts in Early Development" from the Center and the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. The series depicts how advances in neuroscience, molecular biology, and genomics now give us a much better understanding of how early experiences are built into our bodies and brains, for better or for worse. Healthy development in the early years provides the building blocks for educational achievement, economic productivity, responsible citizenship, lifelong health, strong communities, and successful parenting of the next generation.
This video is part two of a three-part series titled "Three Core Concepts in Early Development" from the Center and the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. One of the most essential experiences in shaping the architecture of the developing brain is "serve and return" interaction between children and significant adults in their lives. This back-and-forth process is fundamental to the wiring of the brain, especially in the earliest years.
This video is part three of a three-part series titled "Three Core Concepts in Early Development" from the Center and the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. Learning how to cope with adversity is an important part of healthy development.Without caring adults to buffer children, the unrelenting stress caused by extreme poverty, neglect, abuse, or severe maternal depression can weaken the architecture of the developing brain, with long-term consequences for learning, behavior, and both physical and mental health.
A 61 minute video in which Dr. Perry explains: "From birth, we seek intimate connections, bonds made possible by empathy — the ability to love and to share the feelings of others. Review scientific and historical examples of how empathy develops, why it is essential to our development, and how the modern world threatens it."
A short 3 minute video of an adult child's experience of her mother's re-entry to her life and the community
Originally created for the 168 Film Festival, ReMoved follows the emotional story through the eyes of a young girl taken from her home and placed into foster care.
What is the best way to ease someone's pain and suffering? In this beautifully animated RSA Short, Dr Brené Brown reminds us that we can only create a genuine empathic connection if we are brave enough to really get in touch with our own fragilities. Voice: Dr Brené Brown
The 3 minute still face experiment video with Dr. Edward Tronick narrating.
How Brains are Built: The Core Story of Brain Development October 10, 2013 Norlien Foundation The AFWI is pleased to announce the launch of our first animated video, which presents the core story of brain development in an accessible and visually engaging format for public audiences. The AFWI developed the video with considerable input from our partners at the Harvard Center on the Developing Child and the FrameWorks Institute. Using metaphors developed by FrameWorks and tested with audiences both in the US and in Alberta,
This 5-minute video depicts the Frontiers of Innovation community
This powerful, moving and aesthetically beautiful video was created by Susan Salasin, in collaboration with Andy Blanch and Joan Gillece of NCTIC (National Center for Trauma Informed Care), and Leah Harris of NEC (National Empowerment Center). Susan is a pioneer in the area of women, violence prevention and trauma. Anna Caroline Jennings
Chapter 5 of a longer DVD. Video on Trauma, Brain and Relationship: Helping Children Heal.
This is a short video explaining the effects of trauma and the addictive properties of trauma.
Dr. Joe Solanto discusses what trauma is, how the experiences of colonization "qualify" as trauma, how trauma might be transmitted across the generations, crime and other social problems as understandable responses to trauma and implications for healing individuals, families and communities.
This video discusses the important role that community- and faith-based programs, services, and agencies play in protecting and responding to children. It features three programs that exemplify a successful community-based approach to children affected by violence and trauma. However, because every community is different, it is important that service providers and allied professionals tailor their responses to most effectively meet their community
Through Our Eyes: Children, Violence, and Trauma
TIC Project Related Books
Trauma is universal; bad things can happen to anyone. This is a guide to help parents and others talk to children who have experienced trauma, about feelings and coping strategies. The central character is a neighborly "grandma" who is trusted in the community. She helps children understand that trauma is not their fault, empowering children to talk about their experiences and feelings.
Grandma Mary Says Bullies Hurt helps children understand the impact of bullying, as well as gives kids the tools to effectively and appropriately stand up to someone who is bullying them or someone else. We hope that the book can be used as a gateway to help adults find a way to talk with children directly about this topic.
The authors of this book, Tiffany Jana and Michael Baran, give us a practical, nonjudgmental handbook for dealing with microaggressions. They introduce a new tern "subtle acts of exclusion". the book gives tools, sample scripts and action plans.
This book, by authors Kathryn J. Edin, H. Luke Shaefer, and Timothy J. Nelson, examines the poorest places in America. Based on current data, they discover that the poorest places are not in large cities but in rural America. "The authors trace the legacies of the deepest poverty in America—including inequalities shaping people’s health, livelihoods, and upward social mobility for families. Wrung dry by powerful forces and corrupt government officials, the “internal colonies” in these regions were exploited for their resources and then left to collapse."
In her book, Real Self-Care, Pooja Lakshmin, MD says "You can’t meditate your way out of a 40-hour work week with no childcare. Faux self-care keep us looking outward—comparing ourselves with others or striving for a certain type of perfection. Worse, it exonerates an oppressive social system that has betrayed women and minorities." This book is a thought provoking way to examine what self-care truly is and how we each practice self-care.
Book description from Dr. Bailey's website: "Equine Connections: Polyvagal Principles builds on Dr. Rebecca Bailey’s decades of experience as a family psychologist helping real families deal with real situations. In this book, Dr. Bailey introduces equine-assisted therapy, The Polyvagal Theory, the populations that can be served by her approach, and a variety of exercises that incorporate The Polyvagal Theory into equine interventions. Throughout the book, the notion of “providing safe spaces” is discussed and incorporated into treatment recommendations."
Guided Growth by Ira J. Chasnoff, MD and Ronald J. Powell, PhD incorporates the latest research into a guide for teachers, parents and professionals working with children/youth who have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome disorder or early trauma. They present a trauma informed lens that these may not be disobedient children, rather their central nervous systems may have been affected by situations and environmental conditions beyond their control.
"A Knock at Midnight: Brittany K. Barnett was a law student when she came across the case that would change her life forever—that of Sharanda Jones, single mother, business owner, and, like her, Black daughter of the rural South. A victim of America’s war on drugs, Sharanda had been separated from her young daughter and was serving a life sentence without parole for a first-time drug offense. As Barnett studied this case, a system came into focus with widespread racial injustice at the core of America’s addiction to incarceration. Moved, Barnett set to work to gain Sharanda’s freedom. The memoir is at once Barnett’s coming-of-age story and a powerful evocation of what it takes to bring hope and justice to a system built to resist them." is how the United Women in Faith describe this book.
In this book, Gordon Neuford Ph.D. and Gabor Maté MD., explain the crucial breakdown of parental influence and ways to rebuild/rebuild to gain appropriate hierarchy, establish safety for children and earn back loyalty and love.
In this book, psychologist Jay Van Bavel and Dominic Paker explore the concept that our identity is constantly changing and often we are not aware of these changes. Our identity has a powerful impact on our beliefs, values and behaviors. They produce research in psychology, neuroscience and economics to explain these dynamics.
This book describes how early childhood experiences, impact the developing brain. It has 20 chapters, each written by leading theorist, researchers and practitioners in the field of infant and early childhood mental health. It is multi-discipline and comprehensive. The book is edited by: Kristie Brandt, CNN, DNP; Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD; Stephen Seligman, DMH; and Ed Tronick, PhD. The forward is written by T. Berry Brazelton, MD.
Author Resmaa Menakem talks about trauma and how it impacts our modern life. He examines the consequences of racism from a body-centered psychological approach.
Bruce D. Perry MD, PhD and Oprah Winfrey examine the impact of trauma on the developing brain, the emotional and psychological changes.
Mark Yarbrough was serving as an elected District Attorney in Texas when he suffered Burnout. Mark explains what caused his burnout and shares his F.I.G.E.R. philosophy to overcome Burnout.
Written by Alicia F. Lieberman, Manuela A. Diaz, Gloria Castor and Griselda Oliver Bucio:"This state-of-the-art clinician's guide describes Perinatal Child–Parent Psychotherapy (P-CPP), a treatment for pregnant women and their partners whose readiness to nurture a baby is compromised by traumatic stress and adverse life experiences. An application to pregnancy of the widely disseminated, evidence-based Child–Parent Psychotherapy, P-CPP spans the prenatal period through the first 6 months of life. Extended cases illustrate ways to help mothers and fathers understand how trauma has affected them, navigate the physical and emotional challenges of becoming parents, build essential caregiving competencies, and ensure the safety of their babies and themselves. Cultural considerations in working with diverse families are addressed through specific intervention examples."
This is a coloring and activity book written by Javier Rosado, PhD and Tatiana Fernandez MS and illustrated by Jodi Slade. It was published and distributed by the Florida State University Center for Child Stress & Health. This was done in conjunction with the NCTSN. It can be downloaded as a PDF. It comes in English, Creole and Spanish on http://www.fsustress.org/COVID-19.html.
“Trauma & the Struggle to Open Up” shows HOW the psychotherapy relationship helps the most troubled trauma clients to get better. Specifically, it gives useful ideas on what trauma therapists should do to navigate the intricacies of the treatment relationship. The book is a must-read and a much needed tool for anybody working in the trauma- W. W. Norton & Company
An Ebook: After the Harvest: A Story About Saying Goodbye, written by Javier Rosado and Tatiana Fernandez, tells the story of several illustrated characters (bees and other insects) who have to say goodbye when the family of a school-age bee, Gabriel, announces that they will need to move and relocate yet again in search for farm-work. The story highlights the unique stressors young children from migrant families face related to their transient lifestyle. (From Center for Child Stress and Health, Florida State University College of Medicine)
Authors Katherine Ortega Courtney, PhD and Dominic Cappello's book looks at stories that we would prefer not to hear and how trauma impacts our children, our communities and our nation as we live through a national epidemic. They explore a new system of child welfare.
Nadine Burke Harris uses storytelling to discuss how childhood stress can lead to long-term health problems and what we can do about it.
This amazing book is available in a Free PDF version, paperback or hardcover. The story is about a "little squirrel who announces that he was once very, very scared and finds out that he is not alone. Lots of little animals went through scary experiences, but they react in different ways. Turtle hides and gets a tummy ache, monkey clings, dog barks, and elephant doesn’t like to talk about it. They need help, and they get help from grown-ups who help them feel safe and learn ways to cope with difficult feelings. This story was written to help children and grown-ups (parents, teachers, and other important adults) understand how stress can affect children and ways to help them."
Don't let the name fool you, this is for more than children with autism. This new guide employs Skillstreaming's evidence-based four-part training approach-modeling, role-playing, performance feedback, and generalization-to teach prosocial skills in a small-group context.
This booklet was developed by Linda Chamberlain, PhD, MPH for the Connections Matter community initiative. It is an easy way to understand why connections matter to developing brains (lifelong), in developing relationships, and in developing healthy communities. For more information regarding trainings visit www.connectionsmatter.org
This book by Jim Knipe PhD. provides a framework for assessing and treating disassociated clients with complex trauma. It provides tools that can be used in EMDR or other treatment methods. The detail in the interventions allows readers to truly see how they can be used and provides definitions to connect other modes of dissociation to EMDR.
"Dark, Bad Day...Go Away is the first hard cover, illustrated book for children that motivates, prepares and guides children to use EMDR therapy." This book by Ana M. Gomez helps explain EMDR in a way that children and adults can easily understand. It prepares the children for what EMDR will look like and why it is helpful.
"in this lyrical debut, Ryan Berg immerses readers in the gritty, dangerous, and shockingly underreported world of homeless LGBTQ teens in New York...Through these stories, Berg compels us to rethink the way we define privilege, identity, love, and family. Beyond the tears, bluster, and bravado, he reveals the force that allows them to carry on- the irrepressible hope of youth. "
Is it possible that the struggles you have with your child may because he or she suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome? Once ignored, even by the medical professionals treating war veterans, PTSD is gaining global recognition as a very real and serious issue for those who have experienced traumatic events, even children. Author Jolene Philo was always told that "babies don't feel any pain" and that her son would not remember the traumatic surgeries and hospital visits he endured as a young child. However, research has shown that when children experience medical illness, witness violence, or are abused, it can leave a lasting effect.
The use of Circle Process, which can be used in a variety of settings to help youth and adults manage stress, resolve problems, build relationships, establish a sense of safety and community, and enhance skill building can easily be considered an approach that helps manage the effects of trauma. Kay Pranis has offered trainings for people in the community to learn circle keeping skills and has written a number of books on circle keeping. Her book The Little Book of Circle Processes, A New/Old Approach to Peacemaking provides a good overview of circles. To learn more about Kay Pranis and review a list of resources regarding circles please google Kay Pranis Living Justice Press. Org.
Amazon describes this book as,"Teaching Bullies tells the story of fourteen students who came forward with detailed testimonies of what they were experiencing at the hands of their teachers on the basketball court. How they were treated by school administrators, lawyers and educational authorities is cause for concern and reveals that the last bastion of accepted abuse may well be sports."
Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) 57: Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services is free as a pdf download, but you can also order a free hard copy, which may be easier to use and it is 300 pages. The first part of the book is a practical guide for the provision of behavioral health services, covering what is trauma, the impact of trauma, screening and assessment, clinical issues and trauma informed interventions. The second part of the book is an implementation guide for behavioral health program administrators , covering trauma-informed organizations and building a trauma-informed workforce.
"This research-based curriculum features 15 lessons that use the latest information about the brain to dramatically improve behavior and learning for all students." (The Hawn Foundation). There are three levels: Grades Pre-K to 2; Grades 3-5 and Grades 6-8. For more information or to order press the title.
Travis Lloyd shares his remarkable story of being in the Foster Care system as a youth. He shares his experiences along with times of reflection and expansion in this book made for all; professionals, workers, families, and individuals. For more information check out Travis's blog.
"The Support for Students Exposed to Trauma (SSET) program is a series of ten lessons whose structured approach aims to reduce distress resulting from exposure to trauma. Designed to be implemented by teachers or school counselors in groups of 8–10 middle school students, the program includes a wide variety of skill-building techniques geared toward changing maladaptive thoughts and promoting positive behaviors. It is also intended to increase levels of peer and parent support for affected students." (Rand Corporation)
This books contains practical advice for taking care of selves when we are needed by others. Laura van Dernoot Lipsky and Connie Burk help us to understand the effects of listening to traumatic events and how we can care for ourselves in order to reduce burnout, secondary traumatization, etc.
This e-book written by Dr. John De Garmo describes some of the dangers to children through online technology. He discusses texting, sexting and cyberbullying.
Newly Added TIC Resources
This article takes an in-depth look at what Trauma Informed Care is and how to not re-victimize clients unintendedly. It provides a framework to utilized called SBAR (Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation).